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The User Flow library is a library of most commonly used steps for writing automation tests. The library relies on Gauge and Taiko for the underlying framework.

Install Dependencies

These instructions are good for installing Gauge on MacOS. Please refer to Gauge docs for installing on Windows or Linux environments.

Before we begin, you must have Nodejs installed. You may install with homebrew or use appropriate installation package from Nodejs downloads page.

# Install Nodejs
brew install node

# Install Gauge
brew install gauge

# Alternately, you may also use NPM to install Gauge
npm install -g @getgauge/cli

Editor or IDE

While not mandatory, we strongly recommend using VSCode as code editor or integrated development environment, as Gauge comes with a great extension for VSCode that makes working with user journey tests a breeze.

That's all you need. You can now go ahead and setup your first project.